Tuesday 2 January 2018

2017 - Overview of the year

Yey Gods!

where did that one go!!

So lets have a quick look at the 2017 "master plan"

Play some games of what ever I can!  -
Well I've certainly played games this year, all manner of them!

Paint the poster boys of the 40K world in the 30K setting, yep that's right Ultramarines. - The Poster boys are well underway and I've just picked up some reinforcements for a doubles torney in a couple of months, the question is do I actually continue with them as I've played hardly any games of 30K with them! 
I would like to make a funky looking table for This is Not a Test, only a 4 foot square is going to be needed for this game so I can spend some time on making it sexy looking! - 
The This is not a Test table didn't happen however in a moment of madness I did start on some of the scatter terrain and I'm determined to get this sorted out, I just need to focus! 

Travel to a few more local clubs and get some games in with systems I wouldn't normally play. -
As for the travelling gamer I got as far as Loughbrough! better than nothing I suppose!

over all not too bad! So lets have a quick run down of the Anarchy for the last 12 months....


Actually got a game of 7TV in and increased the ranks of the henchmen!

I took the first steps into a new system for 2017 - Age of Sigmar!!

And with a bit of a paint off with the Terrain Tutor I blasted out some Japanese for a game on his Burma board


This was the month of sorting out previous projects, so off the the random box of dead and unfinished models and I grabbed a load of bits that I'm planning on using for This is not a Test.

I also did my first show of the year, Robin,


A surprise message from Nick at Warlord games of can you drive a box truck resulted in me "nipping" over to Tactica in Hamburg!

The show was superb! and of course two of my favourite Germans happened to be there! 

I also started on what many consider to be the dark path....


Well it was a quiet month blog wise and sadly it was the start of far too much time in between posts.

on a positive note the Prep for the derby board began!


Well this was the month of trade shows!

First of all Partizan

Then off to chillcon, and we've been invited back to that for 2018! question is what to take!!


I was still playing catch up with regards to posts and managed to get some odds and sods painted,

However I was getting ready for 40K 8th Ed, and how I was ready for this!!


Whilst getting distracted by 40K I was also being whipped by Lee to get my Blood and Plunder Spanish painted up!

I also had Joe from the club ask me to paint his Cygnar in a whitewash scheme so I figured why not!


The 40k vibe was still strong and I added more to the wraith guard

but not forgetting the 30K poster boys they got some added cheese, which turned my facebook on fire!


I painted a lot of K47 Russians!


I painted up the Burrows and Badgers still that I picked up at Derby,

I also managed to finish off Joe's army as well,


and the usual jolly over to Crisis was done!

in a moment of madness, some might refer to it as a rage I blasted out a death company force,

I also decided to go back into the unfinished project box and grabbed a lot of freeborn for Gates or Antares


I was asked to do a post for the Orc's in the Web December calendar,

The article went down really well so I'm quite happy with that!!

I also did some random models that I picked up earlier in the year!

So from a geeky point of view 2017 was a mixed bag due to a number of reasons, one of them being my hours changed at work so rather than having 3 or 4 days off in a row they are now spread out more which means I get less actual time to do what I want to do.

However this does mean that I simply need to focus on certain projects rather than chop and change all the time, which will be easier said than done, and I've avoided kickstarter for most of the year so that's not a bad thing!

this has had an impact on the Pledge for 2017 though

Bought - 558

Painted - 555

Difference: -3!!

shocking I know so close to breaking even, but looking back on what I bought during the year it was the 8th Ed that killed it I got a bit frothy with nurgle plague zombies.....

So that was 2017, over all good laugh show and club wise, still managed to get a lot painted compared to other people in my gaming group, however once I've sorted out a few "real life" issues then we'll have to see what the future holds, I've a feeling its going to be fun!

If you want to see more of what I'm doing on the painting and geeky world have a look at the facebook page as I tend to randomly put posts on that rather than the blog now!


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