Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Phat Cats on tour - Crisis Part 3 & the pledge

Well it was the day after the show and rather than get straight back to old blighty we decided to take a slight diversion and wander over to Waterloo, Rob was very excited about this as he's into all that kinda stuff!

To be completely honest I wasn't too fussed about Waterloo but thought why the hell not! 

So we arrived with plenty of time to spare before we neeed to get the ferry back to the UK, It was really good to have Rob with us as he was explaining loads of stuff as we were walking around so he became my personal tour guide!

The amount of information and the quality of the uniforms and the display was fantastic, enough of the whaffing have a look at the pictures and if any of you history buffs want to lift these pictures for painting guides help yourself! 

One thing that I did find interesting was the political art, not much has changed in the way these days! 

So after wandering around the museum it was time to climb the Lions mount, now I;m not the fittest chap in the world anymore but in the true Anton fashion I though well it can't be that bad.....

by the time I got to the top I was blowing out of my arse! but what a view! 

So we set back off towards the good old UK and it appears that all the excitement of Waterloo and Rob's kickstarter finishing on the Sunday evening was too much for him to bear! 

However being the good co-pilot that I am me and Lee whaffled for hours about loads of random stuff! 

So we got off the beach and got what has become the traditional lunch on the ferry. 

and we're still going strong, with a bit of additional help from starbucks and some very strong coffee!

So after some epic driving from Mr Upton I got home in one piece and unloaded a ton of stuff from the weekend!

And in the traditional post show review this was my loot for the weekend, I'd been asked by a few different people if I was going for anything in particular and to be honest I wasn't after anything really and that was a dangerous mindset to go to a show with as you can see from the pic!

I've a bit of work to catch up on with regards to posts of stuff that I've got painted over the last month so you'll see a flurry of updates with regards to what I've been getting upto!

So onto the Pledge,

November, and the year has flew by and I'm already thinking about my end of year reflection and its gonna be a big one!

Bought - 32
Painted - 102
Difference + 70

another stonking month and it helped that the warzone and AVP stuff was all freebies thanks to the demo credit that I've earned over the last year.

Looking at my excel document and seeing where I'm standing with the previous years I'm close to topping last years total painted and reasonably close to hitting 1000 models for this year.

So its time to step up a gear and sort out some bits that I've been meaning to get sorted out for a while, for me to hit the 1k I "need" to paint up 101 models for the month of December now on paper this is doable however with the month of December being when Santa rocks up I'll be getting involved in family events and trying to find some stuff for close friends and family!

No I'm not going to say what I would like to get painted this month as that normally goes out the window as I chop and change like the wind depending on what takes my fancy and whats on the painting table!

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