Monday, 20 July 2015

Kings of war, Kingdom of men update

So with the battlemasters torney over at the dice devils rapidly approaching I've started to make some great progress with the Kingdom of Men Army.

In the last couple of weeks I've added another unit to the army,

With the glorious weather that the UK has had over the last 3ish weeks my painting has really dropped off as I've been out and about doing various things with the GC, however finishing off these guys has given me a new lease of life and I've already started on the second Cav unit as well as the pike men.

Mantic have also sent out the PDF to the 2nd ed to the backers so I've now got an actual list that I can work from for the army, It's going to involve an allies detachment from the basilean list  as the black guard I had originally marked them as a penitents unit with the Iman being a priest to whip them into a frenzy!

So this is what I've got either painted or planned...

Penitent Mob (20) - 100
Priest - 75

Spear Phalanx horde - 200
Pike Block regiment - 135
Pike Block regiment - 135
Arquebusiers regiment - 135
Knight regiment - 195
Knight regiment - 195
Mount Sergeant regiment - 160
Mount Sergeant regiment - 160
Mounted scout troop - 100
Mounted scout troop - 100
Cannon - 85
Cannon - 85
General on winged beast -  190
The Captain - 150

so that lovely lot is 2200 point without shiney items. Assuming that this is something along the lines of the final list I've a mere 6 units to sort out so shouldn't be a problem, I just need to stop getting distracted by other stuff painting wise!

however as the army increases in size this is what the whole lot looks like so far, 

The lunchtime chit chat with some of the guys from last years battlemasters is actually becoming reality!

However question to the masses is that would you change anything on the above army list, and if so why?


  1. haha - fantastic stuff. Love dem camelcannons!

  2. Awesome! You could try the Elephants as the new 'Beast of War' unit.
    Could be fun. Cheers
