Monday, 19 July 2010

What to do....

Hey up all!

Today's post is about temptation....

you know what I'm talking about that favourite tab on your firefox is briming with websites that you mull over now and then thinking shall I, shall I start yet another army or system??

The thing that made me think about temptation is I've moved my gaming stuff down stairs so that I can get the spare bedroom ready for the mini-me, and the amount of stuff that I rediscovered was shocking, everything from a cowboy gang for legends of the old west to a biker gang for infinity that I played with once!

So after lugging stuff around today I've decided to strip back on the random systems that I've picked up over the last 14 years...

but then I find things like..

and not only is it quirky and differant but actually quite funny!

and then the bad people over at nottingham do things like....

so the question to the masses...

if you could only have one army for each system what would it be and why....

My choices would be:

40K - Chaos (no surprise there)
Fantasy - Orcs & Goblins
Warmachine - Cryx
Hordes - Skorne
Flames of war - Germans

Anton's quote of the week....
Thou shalt not refer to the Machine Spirit as "Cruise Control"


  1. Haha cruise control! The Mechanicum would be displeased!

    Think I kinda covered this in my last blog, but here's what id have:

    40k - Marines
    WFB - High Elves
    Warmachine - Menoth
    Hordes - Circle
    Flames of War - Germans

    The new stuff for High Elves is looking quite nice, although not massively convinced by the Griffon yet.

    So, are these the sytems you intend on playing exclusively now??

    I reckon we should re-kindle some of the random ones instead of binning them ;)

  2. yea I'm gonna stick to the main ones to be honest, after spending most of a day dragging stuff about I've way too much stuff, and most of it strangely enough is painted!

    I'm going to try and stick to no more than 4 armies for each system which should be intresting!
