Tuesday 19 April 2011

Junglist Massive!

Now its not about hardcore dance music or Ali G.. 

 its about a man on a mission!

Since myself and some of the other guys picked up Cutlass on Saturday at salute, Chris gives a good break down of how it works Clicky click! and with games being arranged and gangs being painted I figured I might as well don my terrain head and do some scatter scenery for the table that we're going to be using,

Now the actual game is played on a 4x4 so I've done enough for a 6x4!

The tents are from Renedra renedra.co.uk I ordered these on Monday and the arrived today!

The palm trees are from ebay and cost about a fiver for 150! so really cheap just nee to paint the trunks,

So armed with the trusty jig saw, a stanley knife and a hot glue gun I managed to get this far in a couple of hours, not bad all I need to do is put some sand on the bases and splash some paint on it and the jobs a good un!

Close up of the 1st camp, figured it could be used as a HQ for one of the gangs

And another camp

Quite a long piece of line of sight blocking terrain

and all the bits that I managed to do, I've still got plenty of trees left and so if they go down well once there done I could do some more for a new table for the phat cats.

I've also got some plastic barrels from rendra to sue as scatter cover, and some bits and bobs coming from ainsty ainsty castings.co.uk now these guys were around for years and the original bloke sold it off due to health reasons then black crow bought it and not alot was done with the ranges and now someone else has snapped there range up.
I'm really pleased that they are back on the market as I picked up the abandoned school bus on my first trip to salute many many years ago.

So once I've got the final pieces I'll post a few pictures with it out on a table, all I need to do is get some mordhiem style houses built and we'll be rolling!


  1. Wow Ant, looks like you got treasure island covered... now it needs a cave! I've invested in the Thoumont buildings set from WorldWorksGames for town battles and I have a large wooden pirate ship (which I can borrow from the kids). I've cancelled my game on Thursday - Boo!

  2. Nice palmtrees and at a good price! really love the jungle camp sites, looking forward to see them painted.

  3. Great jungle set and what a price - looks like I need to get back onto ebay and do some shopping.

  4. A cave eh... sounds like I might have to get the hot wire cutter out for that one! I'll get some pics of the terrain up once I've finished it as I need to get it done (its taking up way too much room!)
