Monday, 26 February 2018

Phosphex Party Road Trip - Tariss 4 Narrative event

A fair while ago I was asked if I was interested in a Horus Heresy doubles event, Normally I don't bother but I decided to go down the "fuck it" route and said yes.

I was paired up with the Man of legend Mr Porter and after much discussion he pooped out a list that was both fluffy and fairly tasty.

So a couple of weeks painting the Loyalist Phosphex party boys were ready to rumble!

After going over to Mr Porters and getting shown how to play with white (all will be revealed at a later time) we wandered down to Cheltham and discovered that the KFC next to the hotel actually had Chicken!!!

When the rest of the guys rocked up we had a few beers and chilled out ready for the fun and games.

So I'd done torneys previously in the past and had mixed experiences both good and bad, however I'd never really done a narrative event so was looking forward to seeing what the difference between the two would be. The build up on face book was quite interesting to see the power of social media and how peoples armies developed over the course of a couple of months, in the final two weeks before the event my phone was going bonkers with facebook notifications.

The Phosphex party ready to go! 

The people assemble.....

So with a stupidly early start the first game was a challenge match and it was Loyalist Vs Tratior Phosphex party! 

Ross deep in thought......

Deployment done, time to give it a crack!

this turned out to be a comedy combat, I fail the charge then Ross fails the charge!

We then broke for lunch and I ran around and took pics of as many armies as I could, lots and lots of super sexy pics!

After each misson we got dragged into the courtyard for the next brief!

it was a tad nippy!

We're paratroopers, We're supposed to be surrounded

So three games throughout the day, all three were really good fun, some superb moments and certainly learnt alot over the weekend and has given me some real food for thought with regards to what I want to do with the Ultramarines and the certainly the Worldeaters.

So as this was my first Horus Heresy narrative event it wasn't what I was expecting and the level of sportsman ship throughout the day was fantastic I chatted to various guys about how they painted there stuff and helping out thicko here with wound allocation which I still need to suss out!

If you haven't been to a Horus Heresy narrative event I'd recommend it and the Geno 52 guys did a bloody sterling job though out the day, so a massive thank you for making it such a great day out!