Tuesday, 21 February 2017

New show - Robin 2017

A while back I was asked to "help" with regards to a new show that was going to be ran in Nottingham.

All that I was asked to do was rock up with the guys from the Phat cats demo team and put on a demo game, no worries was my response and the game was afoot!

In the end I was also asked by Warlord & Hystrical Games to run demo tables for themselves so with a bit of jigging around the club was represented at 3 tables! Huge thanks to Dave, Phil, Nick and Jamie for pulling together.

So in between running PanzerfaustE games I did a quick run around and snapped some pics of the various games that were being ran throughout the day,

The Lenton gamers had three games on the go, all looking really nice!

the star wars game was really popular, not surprising as who doesn't love to see an AT-AT stomping around the board!

Mr & Mrs Cooper showing the masses how to paint!

some of the work that they do is stunning and considering Joanne is fairly new to the paint scheme its a bright future!

Some guys from Leicester Phat Cats putting on a Falklands game

I remember seeing this previously and had a bit of time to chat to the guys running the table, superb work all round and looks great to play on

Dangerous Dave running K47 demos with very familiar models.....

No idea but it certainly stood out!

Still trying to get Carl from open combat in his natural state....

Firestorm armada, the mat is a little too busy for me as I'd get distracted on where the models were.

a new zombie game that looks fairly reasonable, Chatting to the guys from Devils Run it sounds quite promising and will see if I can get a demo at some point

A superb looking urban table for a cops and robbers type game, the gents did give me a card but managed to put it in a "safe place"

blokes with pointy sticks! nice table as well, only feedback on this one would be to fill in the holes that had the bloody skulls in.

this was the catch of the day for me, White Dragon models with previews of the kickstarter that they ran, and hoping for a salute release, really really nice ships,

I was so impressed that I put my hand in my pocket and bout some of the 15mm robots mech things, but these are destined to be used for 28mm style games,

They were fairly simple to stick together nothing too challenging, just need to decide on a colour scheme that's not Russian green!

and some random odds and sods from ramshackle games, will got into the This is not a test terrain making pile which is now getting a tad large so will need to actually do something with it all!

So actual thoughts on the show, it was the first one that has been ran and I was fairly busy demo'ing PanzerfaustE most of the day and chatting with various people so only had a fairly quick walk around and the number of traders was good lots of people I've not seen for awhile or never spotted before. I didn't make it into any of the seminars which was a shame as the people chatting would have been interesting to listen to. 

Plenty of room for expansion which is good so I'll look forward to next year and popping over and either going as a punter or pimping myself out to the highest bidder!

Friday, 10 February 2017

AoS - Sylvaneth bulking up the starter set,

So after splashing paint on the starter set that I picked up last last year I figured I might as well add to the masses and get get some more odds and sods!

However with this army I'm trying to mimic what I did with the emperors children as well as the mechanicum and that paint a unit and then buy the next one. Something that I didn't have a great deal of faith in all honestly as I'm like a kid in a sweet shop looking for a sugar high on payday!

for those more keen eyed you'll notice that I've a "clean" cutting mat this was via Mother who was moaning that it looked messy! how long that'll stay like that I can't promise!

to made the unit leaders stick out I gave them multiple arms and an extra branch on the back as I had plenty left over, do remind me of genestealers though!

so the spirit of durthu, never really read about the wood elves in the previous version of warhammer, however this guy is rock solid! and rather than having a talon I wanted him to look quite tasty so double swords it was! the hand is posed not very well but as long as you don't look too close it'll do!

So this gives me 1,500 but I'm short on dryads if I want to run them at 20 twig units, so further options would be another starter box and do a treelord so I've one of each and the dryads can fill out the existing units, however I'm wanting to get some of the funky toys and might get some of the hunters or revents as something different to paint!

Friday, 3 February 2017

The pledge - Gremlins & Mutants! Jan Round up

And so it begins!

In the blink of an eye the month is gone, and I've hit the floor running with the pledge.

Bought - 36
Painted - 53

Difference +17

In the traditional new year new army type thing I picked up a more bits for my Sylvaneth and after managing to get a game in against one of the guys at Weekend Warlords the generals hand book makes a huge difference compared to the initial launch when I went up against Dan.

Painting wise I decided to get some bits and bobs done that I've had kicking around for a while that were from a couple of the many kick starters that I'd backed over the years.

So starting with some Macrocosm gremlins from their kick starter that I backed a couple of years ago, and these have been sitting in the "paint me" box ever since,

I've some other bits to fin sh off for them but shouldn't take too long really,

nice models to paint and these I'm planning on using for TnT as well as various other games!

Next up is Wasteman

And as with the Macrocosm stuff I've had these for a fair while, so decided to splash some paint on these and I'm really chuffed how they have come out. These are perfect for TnT and I seem to have a fetish with robots at the moment as I've dug out a robot gang from the Judge Dredd system that's now posed ready to go on the sideline of the painting table,

So if you know of any cool and funky robot type models let us know! 

If you want to pick up either of the ranges that I've shown on this post then click on the links below and go splash some cash!

