Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Operation Charnwood at the Derby show!

We Came, We Saw, We played for 2 days solid!!

So 6ish weeks worth of hardcore painting/dry brushing came to a end and this was the result of the hard graft from the Phat Cats demo team....

at the end of the two days the allies won on moral chits, 57 to 100, with the germans only being 25 off there break point!

man of the match for me has to be the FAO who single handelily slow the rush of paras on the right flank supressing them over and over again!


  1. Gorgeous board, looks like it was a lot of fun!

    That show looks pretty big too! Shame I couldn't go. :(


    1. yea it was a good laugh, by the end of the weekend we'd got the rules off to a tee ;) the show itself was pretty good, I had a couple of wander rounds mainly the retail stands and picked up odds and sods as you do.

  2. wow, just wow guys - thats really impressive!
