Tuesday, 24 December 2019

2019 end of year review

Hold onto your hats folks,

This is gonna be a lengthy one!

So lets start with the 2019 "Master plan"

World Eaters "Avon Calling" drop assault force - Missing the Javelin land speeder (ironically still sitting at the side of my painting desk partly assembled!)

Finish off my Adeptus Titanicus stuff - Na that crashed and burned! Not playing enough didn't give me enough mojo to crack them out.

Finish off the Algoryn for GoA - Na that didn't go anywhere! Basically I got distracted by Isorians!

Death Korps of Kreig - I suddenly discovered that 8th Ed 40k isn't particular good or I'm just really really bad at making lists that actually work!

Solar Aux - That went onto the back burner as I decided to focus on the World eaters and I needed so much armour that it I would need to re mortgage my house!

World Eaters Armoured Breakthough rite of war themed list - Apart from 2 rhinos and its good to go. however painting that many AFV's was quite a challenge and the satisfaction of getting them all completed was great.

Night Goblins / Moonclan/ Gloomspite Gitz - Didn't really play that much AoS so didn't have the motivation to get them done, tried a few games but wasn't really getting the feel of the game, maybe its the weird fluff? Who knows!

So out that pretty hefty list I managed to "kinda" complete 2 of them, quite a poor hit ratio for the year however a lot has been learnt so for the 2020 masterplan I'll be more realistic with my goal settings and work on projects that will keep me motivated for the year.

So lets start with January...

A storming start to the year with loads of guardsmen painted ready for the All scars slow grow campaign which fizzled out due to no real direction or leadership, but at least they gave it a crack!

following on from lots of infantry from the previous year I started on my world eater stuff, this was a bit of an experimentation and I was quite happy with how this came out.

unknown to me at this point I'd be painting alot of blue and white stuff though out the year!


With a blood and plunder campaign kicking off at the club I used this an excuse to bust out some natives and these became the bane of some of the players once I sussed out how they worked!

I quickly discovered that I have way too many natives than I actually need, the joys of getting paid in demo credit I suppose!

and more stuff for the World eaters, rather than "planning" I was working on the backlog and painting stuff that I fancied. Hence the random dreadnought!

and in typical Anton fashion a test paint that was the start of something super sexy....


The printer went into over drive!

Using an up coming show as an excuse, as a time critical goal always motivates me to get on with rather than looking at random shit  I cranked out a 4x4 zone mortalis table ready for chillcon with the help of my able assistant and some hardcore production line painting it was done in plenty of time!

Kurt and Luke were the willing victims to check out the scenario that we would be running at chillcon as well.

As a bit of a break from the metals I sorted out a guard kill team, once again proving that Russian green works on anything


The dreaded month of salute! In both the pledge and what would need to be finished in time! I was running this is not a test with Phil and adding some large elements to Anton's length this was a bit of a "you want what doing" moment and some how managed to turn out a really nice looking table, lots of little details and all together looked lovely!

As for the traditional picking up a new system, I went for Mortal Gods, something that I've been looking forward to for a while and when the mythic add on gets released no doubt this will go straight to the top of I want to get it painted!

Painting wise it was a dry month as I had that much real life stuff go down it was bonkers and not in a good way!


to distract myself from a few issues I decided to go into terrain mode and the 3D printer once again was in full swing printing some very cool bits off,

I picked up these STL's from infinite dimesion games - https://www.infinitedimensions.ca/

These are really well designed and they print superbly, and the amount of fantasy type terrain that this chap has designed is superb! well worth a look.

I also decided in a moment of madness to have a dabble in AoS thinking that would motivate me to play some more games,

and in all honestly I didn't even play with the pirate dwarves! so these got relegated to a box!

something that I found on thingieverse and spent along time printing went straight to the top of the "paint me" pile and it just happened to be blue & white!

This particular model has gone very well within the local 30K gaming group! It's only seen anger once, however I'm very happy how it came out in the end.


The blog took a bit of a back seat due to once again real life throwing more spanners in the works! however to keep my mind occupied the painting continued!

Funnily enough it was more world eaters!!

finding 6 drop pods in the garage that were originally for my 40k Dark Angels quickly got re-purposed for the greatest legion in the world!

One test paint later to suss out the look more for the areas that would be blue.


work continued on the armoured spearhead list, and once again digging around I found a couple of vindicators for repurpose these coming from a 40k chaos army ironically!

I pondered over these for a while with regards to where to put the blue and Nick from the club came up with the suggestion,

Whilst I was on a blue and white roll I threw a scarian into the mix as well as the command element of the armoured list, I've given myself to mount the side sponson's with heavy bolters as well.


Initially the plan to start Rico was underway...

however due to another project that I had on the go at the same time that took over and apart from the cleaning the titan still remains in the box.

That will be until Christmas day - Rum, clippers, knives, glue and clamps will be in full effect! what could possibly go wrong!

On a positive note the bulk of the armoured list was done and dusted!


You would have thought I would be bored of world eaters by now, but no.... I started working on the Recon rite of war....

as well as a couple of scout squads I also did the unmentionable....

A world eater librarian! 


After a bit of a curve ball with regards to GoA I went down the route of sci-fi looking armour basically I'm still painting white!

and I started making in roads on some burrows and badgers stuff

during this entire time the printer was working hard however it was bound to happen and I killed the printer, this in turn taught me quite a bit with regards to how it works and how it all goes together it was certainly a voyage of discovery!

at the same time clone wars hit the street and the droids where assembled and painted in record time!

I decided to step up and get the white elephant in the room done and hit the big boys, after doing the smaller drop pods I felt confident enough to tackle these head on, and due to the immense size these were painted in parts.

Not too sure how to store / transport these though!


Operation fire kidneys, which was a project  took most of the month up along side "Winston"


After painting Ross' knight I decided to continue the theme

To fight along side the world eaters and Winson House Xerathon was selected, I was also sick of painting blue and white!

I also decided to crack on with Angry Ron, after all I've painted that many world eaters I thought he should be leading the pack!

Something I stumbled across was some starwars models in Lidl and decided to give them a punt scale wise, With a quick repaint I was happy with how they came out!

Oh yea I painted a Warlord titan as well ;)

so as with 2018, 2019 was also a motherfucker of a year, however as a great man once told if it doesn't kill you it makes you stronger.

well if thats the case I'm going into 2020 dressed for battle!

and once again huge man hugs to the collective over the last 12 months its been "intresting"

So lets look at the "pledge"

Bought - 352

Painted - 503

Differance + 151

quite a reasonable innings for the year, very happy that I've managed to break more than even and keep the random buying of stuff down compared to previous years!

 Massive thanks to all the readers of the blog, viewers of the facebook page and lovers of the instagram - You guys & girls rock!

See you on the flip side and don't forget to drink loads of rum and hug the ones that you love.

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