Well Well Well!
Hasn't it been a while ladies and gentlemen!
Well you might ask what I've been upto in the last 7 yes 7! months, apart from watching the world go nuts with various bits and bobs going off, I've painted... Alot....
so lets do a whirlwind of whats been happening geek wise in the world of the Anarchy!
Well the start of the year kicked off really well with a wide varierty of models painted for various systems,
however due to a few external situations i.e. work Feb & March was effectively nothing, and once that had settled then April presented a world eater marathon to coinside with the start of lockdown ironicly!
Then in May I finally got round to finishing the reaver titan and started on a Badab war project just in time for 9th Ed 40K to be announced, at that point I thought it would be fun to see how many raptors I could get done before the rules got released.
Well after some hardcore batch painting I managed to get most of the inital goal done and started working towards the second batch however I got a bit bored of painting power armour...
After some discussion with the GC I decided to pick up the new 40K box and huge thanks goto Gifts for Geeks who sorted me out with a box when I thought I'd missed out on a really good deal of a box.
I'll be adding the necrons to my previous army and will let the GC decide on what colours that the marines will be painted, I'm tempted by adding to the raptors however as this is not going to be my army I'm going to give some guidance wih regards to the painting but these will be the GC's first army.
So lets have a brief overview of the pledge...
Month Bought Painted Differance
Jan 16 58 +42
Feb 38 0 -38
March 32 10 -22
April 0 9 +9
May 21 35 +14
June 0 19 +19
July 1 105 +104
One thing I can see from the numbers is that the lack of shows due to Covid certainly shows add the fact that I needed to pull back my spending for a while has certainly had a postive effect on the pledge and I've no doubt that it will continue through out the rest of the year.
anyhow I won;t leave it as long next time and catch you all on the flip side